Vitamins, Nutrition, Health, Disease And Treatment - Category Wise Question And Answer Practice Test With Solutions

Question : 16

AIDS day is

a) December 1

b) May 1

c) June 1

d) December 20

Answer: (a)

Question : 17 [UPRO/ARO (Pre) 2014]

An essential constituent of diet is

a) Carbohydrate

b) Glucose

c) Starch

d) Cellulose

Answer: (a)

Question : 18

Cholera, leprosy and diptheria are

a) Fungal diseases

b) Viral diseases

c) Bacteria diseases

d) Functional diseases

Answer: (c)

Question : 19 [PSC (Pre) 2018]

The organ affected by malaria is

a) Kidney

b) Heart

c) Lungs

d) Spleen

Answer: (d)

Question : 20 [IAS (Pre) 1993]

Which one of the following seeds can benefit a patient of diabetes mellitus by normalizing his blood sugar level?

a) Cumin seeds

b) Coriander seeds

c) Mustard seeds

d) Fenugreek seeds

Answer: (d)


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General Science Mcq CATEGORIES